pull用法在pull 中文意思是?幾個英文例句,了解pull 的英文用法!的討論與評價
pull 中文意思是?幾個英文例句,了解pull 的英文用法! · 1. 基本定義 : 拉、拔、扯、拖(通常指朝向自己的身體移動物品) · 2. to remove something from ...
pull用法在pull (【動詞】拉)意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words的討論與評價
"pull" 例句 ... The sled was pulled by four beautiful huskies. 雪橇由四隻漂亮的哈士奇拖拉著。 She's about to pull the door open. 她正要將門拉開。 He's being ...
The sun was so strong we had to pull down the blinds. 陽光太強烈了,我們不得不拉下百葉窗。 She pulled out the drawer. 她拉開了抽屜。 更多 ...
pull用法在關於Pull的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative的討論與評價
A: "I can't seem to get a good score on my tests... Looks like I'll have to pull my socks up and study hard!" "Jack has really pulled his socks up, ...
pull用法在英文學習)Pull 用法 - Hannah紐約台灣進行式- 痞客邦的討論與評價
Pull 的片語。 Pull off (再困難環境下)實現EX, pull sth off. Pull over 靠邊停車Pull up 拔起,阻止Pull down 拆毀.
pull用法在常見片語「pull off」用法 - 台灣英語網的討論與評價
小編今天要來敎大家pull of 這個片語用法,大家要一起學習唷! 1. pull off= take off 脫下 例句: He pulled off his wet jeans. 他脫下濕的 ...
pull用法在pull翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網的討論與評價
pull 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:vt. 拉;拔;拖vi. 拉,拖;拔n. (Pull)人名;(法)皮爾;(德、瑞典)普爾n. 拉,拉繩;拉力,牽引力;拖。英漢詞典提供【pull】的詳盡中文 ...
pull用法在主管說pull it off,不是叫你脫衣服!稱讚別人「做得好」的討論與評價
pull it off是說一個人做完一件高難度的事,所以也帶有一點「不簡單喔!」的成分。 This is an amazing party! As an organizer, you really pulled it ...
pull用法在pull中文, pull是什麼意思:拉… - 查查在線詞典的討論與評價
pull 中文::拉…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋pull的中文翻譯,pull的發音,音標,用法和例句等。