


stage造句在用"stage"造句 - 查查詞典的討論與評價

The band played the performers onto the stage . 樂隊奏樂歡迎演員登臺。 These stages are not merely descriptive . 這些階段不只是說明性的。 He gave up his studies ...

stage造句在stage (【名詞】舞台)意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words的討論與評價

"stage" 例句 ... The dancers are practicing on stage. 舞者們正在舞台上排練。 I was too scared to go out on the stage. 我不敢走上舞台。 He loves to act on stage.


stage noun [C] (THEATRE) ... Hamlet is on stage for most of the act. 這一幕的大部分時間哈姆雷特都出場。 The orchestra went on/off stage to great ...


    stage造句在用stage造句,stage例句 - 乐学英语的討論與評價

    The process is distributed into three stages . 工作进程分为三个阶段。 The band played the performers onto the stage . 乐队奏乐欢迎演员登台。

    stage造句在stage造句 - 搜狗搜索的討論與評價

    2、He was booed off the stage .(他在一片倒彩声中退下舞台.) 3、I didn't have a good view of the stage ...

    stage造句在set the stage for - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果的討論與評價

    set the stage for. ph. 為…鋪平道路,為…做好准備 ...

    stage造句在美麗台#週年慶 照樣造句大賽得獎者 編編與同事精選兩位特優 ...的討論與評價

    美麗台#週年慶 照樣造句大賽得獎者 編編與同事精選兩位特優水水 快來私訊編編你的1.真實姓名2.寄送地址3. ... beauty STAGE美麗台, profile picture. Join.

    stage造句在視覺造句:動詞搭動詞 - 英語島雜誌的討論與評價

    每月的視覺造句專欄,是從眼到口,從看懂邏輯到熟練說出口的過程,抓住訊息組合的邏輯,英文就能從單字到句子、從句子到 ... It is my goal to sing on that stage.

    stage造句在To set the stage set the scene/stage for 释义| 柯林斯英语词典的討論與評價

    The company has been setting the stage recently for progress in the U.S.. See full dictionary entry for set. Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary ...

    stage造句在怎麼用theatrical stage造句 - 國文屋的討論與評價

    "Veteran artist Zhu Xu, who has been away from the theatrical stage for 12 years, plays the leading role of old man Yang in Courtyard South ...

    stage造句的PTT 評價、討論一次看
