case中文在用"bookcase"造句 - 綫上翻譯的討論與評價
The curious bottle which now adorns the bookcase in his study was his first and last purchase of rare cosmetics . 如今這只古怪的瓶子點綴著他的書房里的書櫥,這是 ...
case中文在用bookcase造句 - 乐学英语的討論與評價
The curious bottle which now adorns the bookcase in his study was his first and last purchase of rare cosmetics . 如今这只古怪的瓶子点缀着他的 ...
case中文在bookcase 造句/ 例句 - 趣词词典的討論與評價
bookcase 造句 / 例句. 1. The bookcase is screwed to the wall. 书架用螺丝固定在墙上了。 《牛津词典》. 2. The bookcase fits neatly into the alcove.
case中文在bookcase造句 - 搜狗搜索的討論與評價
[as adj., in combination -fronted]a glass-fronted bookcase. 正面为玻璃的书柜。 变形. 复数. bookcases. 拓展. 家具单词合集. 视频. 0:05. bookcase的标准美式发音.
case中文在用bookcase造句并翻译 - 慕舍网的討論與評價
bookcase造句. 时间: 2021-01-11 04:38:08 | 来源: 慕舍网. 1、This bookcase has five shelves. 2、The bookcase fits neatly into the alcove.
case中文在造句 - 百度知道的討論與評價
my glasses are in front of the bookcase. 我的眼睛在书架前面为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,谢谢。 更多追问追答 .
case中文在bookshelf書架怎麼造句,bookcase和bookshelf的區別兩者分別 ...的討論與評價
bookshelf書架怎麼造句,bookcase和bookshelf的區別兩者分別用什麼介詞,1樓匿名使用者mybookselfisverybig2樓周雨燕書架能放那麼多東西啊?bookcase ...
case中文在英語每日自主學習課程內容 - 新社國小的討論與評價 ☆均一平台連結: ... 唸:單字和造句-I usually after school. □寫:單字3 遍並造句7 句。
case中文在歡迎您蒞臨橋頭國小109學年度的網頁的討論與評價 *仿造p.68雲端影片,自選一角色造句(先寫在課本),復課後將請你擔任B角色讓 ...
case中文在雙龍國小多元學習教室- 每日課程學習進度05/27 (四) 國語課程 ...的討論與評價
作業: 學習單1張、唸課文一遍、線上選擇題連結:… <六年級> 課程進度:複習國(十)生詞、造句作業:圈詞一遍(十)、 ...